
Coordinating Group Meeting Feb 9

CG Meeting Minutes:

Tuesday, Feb. 9

Present: Cathrine, Dale, Andre, Tara, Shawn

-Grant wants to meet with Wayne from CBT, one of us should participate in the meeting as well.

-Shawn has started with a rough proposal for all of our projects.  Projection budgets, why not ask for lots of money to create a proper database (for ex.) to get it done right.

-Cathrine offered a summary of projects funded by Vancouver Foundation.  She will make copies of this available.

-Shawn has a list of 10 potential funders which he is proposing to work with.

-Andre has submitted for funding from the Credit Union for EXPO (and perhaps IMAGINE).
Account Number, Society Number are required post haste for this process. Tara will track down Society number and bank account number to submit on application form.

-Cathrine.  Must not cross wires regarding funding.

-Tara.  We need to communicate better regarding funding.

-Should think about Creston, Trail, agricultural, water systems, hydro… Cathrine:  Asset mapping  should get big funding.  Andre:  Talk to RDCK to make sure that we’re not repeating ourselves.  Shawn:  NGO’s are being tabulated as part of the asset mapping.  Andre:  George Penfold is good for asset mapping, very good.  Must index data to make it useful for people, this will take a lot of planning.

-Shawn.  Lets get budgets for our various projects for one week.

-Grant will be the lead on the CBT project. Tara and Shawn will join him for meetings.

-Ryan Durand is the mapping expert guy.  [email protected]  Tara and Shawn will create a funding document.

-Designed so that we can be expendable.
-Tara will send this project out to the group and we will will offer feedback.
-All should look at the contents page, find gaps or stuff to add, then sign up for the one you want to write.

-Venture capital fund, government will contribute a percentage, for any enterprise which would promote resilience.  Andre is meeting with a group to get this rolling next week.  Andre will watch this.  Cathrine:  Should be looking at things from a money angle to get these business people on board.

-Chris is purest OST.  Chris could come to train people with OST, we could sell tickets and pay for him with it. We need a really good report for funders.  We should raise awareness beforehand about OST so that if we sell tickets, people will come.  Cathrine: 3 prong approach to offering OST, intro evenings (target to facilitators), OST training, our open space as a model.

-Shawn.  It would be a tasty carrot to encourage people to give money.

Continuation of CG Minutes – February 9th,2010-02-09


-Advice re new project:   Marty advises through Dale that Kim Klassen is going to interview businesspeople with respect to what they’re doing to Transition and giving 10 minute air spots.

-Advice re new project:  Shawn would like to create a presentation to introduce Transition to stakeholders.

-Expo:  Discussion about the facilitator; walking the Prestige space; discussion re OST and Chris’ approach;  mapping out Saturday and half Sunday, contents with OST; Friday focus on showcasing, reskilling

-Transition Times:  Now up on the web site