Topic: Peak Oil/Energy
The world can be powered by alternative energy, using today’s technology, in 20-40 years, says Stanford researcher Mark Z. Jacobson A new study – co-authored by Stanford researcher Mark Z. Jacobson and UC-Davis researcher Mark A. Delucchi – analyzing what is needed to convert the world’s energy supplies to clean and sustainable sources says that [...]
In the move away from fossil fuel dependency there needs to be a fundamental transformation in key areas such as energy, transportation and agriculture. In this series of videos, speakers address ways we can transition off fossil fuels and make choices that will ensure a more sustainable future for everyone. System Change Not Climate Change [...]
Global climate change is a reality,  and at the same time energy prices continue to rise. As these trends will fundamentally change our communities, how can municipalities work to increase resilience – to ensure that communities can withstand potential shocks and changes?  What types of responses address both climate change and rising energy prices? This manual explores these [...]
“History shows that energy transitions are invariably a utopian’s worst nightmare or a novelist’s best idea: they are protracted, difficult and unpredictable.  And one more thing: energy transitions are often ripe with conflict. “All the more reason to begin today thinking and talking about that transition, and so this is the first of many articles [...]
“The key is trying to find paths to reduce energy consumption across society by finding approaches that people will actually want to embrace, because by doing so they will increase their quality of life and their satisfaction,” says Ozzie Zehner, architect and author of Green Illusions: The Dirty Secrets of Clean Energy and the Future [...]
This article from Peak Prosperity Newsletter is about US natural gas exports, but the ideas are just as relevant for BC. Bad Idea: Exporting Natural Gas This crazy idea comes to us courtesy of a report saying that exporting NG from the U.S. would be beneficial overall. Here’s the news: Report Bolsters the Case for [...]
Power from the People How to Organize, Finance, and Launch Local Energy Projects by Greg Pahl More than ninety percent of the electricity we use to light our communities, and nearly all the energy we use to run our cars, heat our homes, and power our factories comes from large, centralized, highly polluting, nonrenewable sources [...]
The Power of Community How Cuba Survived Peak Oil
Synopsis Tim Bennett, middle-class white guy, started waking up to the global environmental nightmare in the mid-1980s. But life was so busy with raising kids and pursuing the American dream that he never got around to acting on his concerns. Until now… Bennett journeys from complacency to consciousness in his feature-length documentary, What a Way [...]
A Crude Awakening:  The Oil Crash A 90-minute documentary on the planet’s dwindling oil resources