
CG Minutes 02 March

Meeting Minutes


03 March 2010 7:00 pm

Location: Andre’s

Attendees: Tara, Nathan, Andre, Shawn and Dale

Topics Discussed:

1. Imagine funding:

            Discussion around the need for process, and to track money, CG to manage moneys, willing to pay for the rental of the capitol,


Draft resolution to be included in the hand book.



2. Expo budget presented: CG informed of expo plan to potentially charge for Expo, with ability to apply for bursary.


Andre Asked to consider whether the  Pre-contemplative? Families? are the target audience  likely to be active contributors in working groups?

3. Erica’s Expo to formulate  desired outcomes    

Marty’s and Chris C documents to be correlated  by the expo committee


4. Marketing objectives:

            Priorities for marketing:

                        Showcase Transition Nelson

                        Invite involvement

                        Edap (after Expo)

                        TN ?


Action groups


Current groups



All agree


5. Web pay pal, web work being carried out


6. Web updates to be compiled and sent to Dale.



7.  Groups will need to designate reporter for CG to formalize communication before each CG meets


   “CG reporting Templates need to be used by project committees –appropriate items required for CG updates to be labeled for information or for action. Nathan will draft email to be sent to groups, posting their minutes to website as well.


CG liaison persons will be assigned to each project group will bring tasks may be divided with other CG  members as appropriate.


Nathan to take on Liaison


  1. Shawn, Andre and Craig Stowell are working on an energy price risk analysis workshop event for business.


  1. Rona Park invited Transition Nelson to a SPAN meeting, CG to attend mtg. at the end of month.


  1. Asset mapping:  To be put on the back burner until after/during expo, Groups to focus on getting people to expo.


  1. Communication policy for Booklet

            Communication guidelines are suggested to avoid dysfunctional patterns and the communication template  with a reference to NVC suggested to be used if difficult conflicts are not working themselves out.

            Formal policy to be lightly worded.

            Would be presented as an option for working groups. Andre suggests that a pledge to adhere to the first principle of not  gossiping about others and splitting the group is a requirement for a healthy organization.


Resolution to be done in final copy of guidebook.


Key Decisions:

  1. CG to create funding protocol.
  2. Every working group must have a CG liaison to report to CG before meetings
  3. CG members to attend SPAN mtg.
  4. Funding and communication protocol will be added to the TN guidebook



Issues (if any) to be shared with Coordinating Group: N/A

Agenda Items to be forwarded to next meeting: None

Next Meeting date, time and place: TBA