
Dec. 22 -Coordinating Group Meeting Minutes

Steering Committee Meeting Minutes:
Present: Bill, Julia, Dale, Shawn, Marty

-Check in.

-Motion to shorten and simplify meeting minutes which will be posted.  All in agreement.  Motion passed.

-Motion to adopt agenda.  Passed.

-Motion to invite new participants to help with the preparatory stuff for the expo.  Passed.  Will bring it up on Jan. 5th, next IG meeting, and earmark for Jan. 26th?  Want to promote it heavily.  The idea would be to hold an OST on what has to happen between now and the expo, and have people create projects and form project groups around them.

-Donna has agreed to be a liaison for TN.  Motion to confirm that the first part of the IG meeting on Feb 2nd will be for Dave Wahn’s presentation, Marty will cover this.  Donna requested notice of location well prior to this meeting.  Julia will communicate with fire hall people to make sure it’s available.

-Shawn will talk with Paula Sobie about creating a partnership committee. Bill offered to put Shawn in touch with Mayor Dooley regarding partnerships.

-Resolution to contact Melanie to see if she’s putting on NV communication seminars, if so we’ll put out an invite to the IG and the new Participants.

-Resolution to have more party/celebratory meetings, rather than just business.

-Shawn suggests renaming the Transition Expo, “the Great Conversation”.

-Dale will look at video and music composition deadlines and post them on the calendar on the website.

-Dale and Bill will work on insurance for IMAGINE.

-Dale will look into our responsibilities to the wiki.


Next meeting January 5th.  Location to be determined.