
Functions of TN Coordinating Group

The following are primary functions for the new Coordinating Group (which will replace the present Steering Committee) along with a brief outline of Responsibilities. Anyone nominated to this group should be able to commit and deliver the aims outlined for this team.

  1. Creates a TN constitution that holds the overall vision and helps to sustain group process.
  2. Maintains cohesion within TN by establishing policies for clear, effective and integrated communication with all committees, project participants, partnerships and potentially for future action groups.
  3. Applies for and governs funding for all TN initiatives and projects.
  4. Approves projects that support overall TN mission.
  5. Ensures that Committees and Project Groups remain open to exchange and interchange of ideas and people, creating a safe place for all TN members to deal with any stumbling blocks and support for conflict resolution.
  6. Manages accountability of Coordinating Group, the Committees and Project groups.
  7. Handles uncertainty.
  8. Co-ordinates the visioning and EDAP phases.
  9. Maintains connections to worldwide Transition movement.

Responsibilities of Coordinating Group also include:

-       Able to commit to two meetings a month for minimum 3 months.

-       Solid understanding of  the Transition Handbook by Rob Hopkins.

-       Establishing CG meeting dates, location bookings, and times.

-       (Revolving)Chair suggests new agendas based on the most urgent priorities.

-       Developing a method for reporting to and from all project groups, keeping everyone current and building cohesive momentum.

-       Reading all group related emails, keeping up with the flow of the “whole”.

-       Respects project groups, partnerships and pre-existing initiatives by being the “glue”, as opposed to an “umbrella”, practicing non-ownership, to promote the TN Coordinating Group as a group who support and deliver process.