The Good Neighbour Community Mediation Program strengthens the social fabric of our community by revealing and developing the inherent connections within our neighbourhoods. As our systems adapt to rapid economic and ecological changes, our community ties will become more important than ever. The Good Neighbour Program cuts to the heart of the matter by helping neighbours share conversations when tensions run high. Transition Nelson hopes that these conversations will be the first step to remembering how to share all our resources for the benefit of our community, whether that means a shovel, a porch, a cup of sugar, or an idea.

Here’s how it works.

  1. If you’re involved in a dispute and would like some assistance, you can call our Good Neighbour program at 250.551.0262. A trained volunteer will take your information and assign a volunteer mediator.
  2. The mediator will contact you to understand the situation in more depth.
  3. The mediator will contact the other party of the dispute and invite him or her to the mediation. The volunteer mediator will then schedule a mediation session, or let you know that the person has declined the invitation.
  4. Finally, you and the other party will sit down with two trained mediators for approximately three hours to discuss the situation and see if its possible for you to create a solution.

This is a proven mechanism for resolving community disputes, and its free!